Hey guys ^^,
Anyways, I had to post this. Althought it has nothing to do with makeup... Or well it does, just alittle bit.
But anyways I really wanted to give glory to God on my blog. I'm so blessed today ^^ and I want to share this feeling with you guys,
I'm not a perfect person, nor super religious, I beleive in a personal relationship with God. I'm not the best with my walk with God, and I'm far from it >.< but slowly but surely God will help me improve.
Anyways, as to why I feel so blessed, it's because althought I didn't get the job I had an interview for... which was at Macy's as a beauty advisor, I was so excited! It was my second interview for the position! Plus both interviews went great!, but sadly I didn't get it. The funny thing was that it was the very morning after my interview that I got the email that there was no positions for me... >.<
However disappointing it was, it's still quite humourous if you ask me.
Despite the bad morning I had, I got some ice coffee, regular for me ^^, that was very much to my liking ^^ not too sweet, and not too bitter, but the coffee, cream, and sugar were at a great balance ^^ huge blessing for me, and great picker upper ^^. Also on my cup I won from the monopoly a free breakfast sandwitch too ^^ See blessed with some free breakfast for the starving college student with little to no money ^^ Big blessing ^^. Also, I got to school on time today, haha no running across campus to get to my lab class where our professor will schold us for being late >.< It really happens... He tells my classmates their not profession and to grow up. Also, that class got cancelled since it was too hot giving me more time to study... and blog!
Extremely blessed right now ^^
Anyways on to the make upish part of the blog...
I've discovered, it might not be new to you guys but to me it is, that it's not a good idea to mix two brands of nail polish together. So, I wanted a light blue color, but I didnt want to spend money for it. So I mixed wet and wild white with a dark blue, Its blue me away from sally hansen... I acheived the color a light blue color but the quality of the nail polish went down.
I like the consistancey of sally hansen nail polish since its pretty easy to spread on and doesn't dry up to fast. On the other hand... Wet n wild is a cheap brand with some pretty colors, tends to dry fast... and makes application alittle hard, and annoying. Plus it chips easily.. Not a big fan...
Anyways, just wanted to spread the blessing ^^
Ja ne!
i don't know daisybutter, will google her haha xD. xo